Thursday, March 24, 2016

The Return

After a few years off from the blog (rest assured I've still been killin it in the kitchen), I've decided to return to the spotlight to share with the world the fruits of my labor.  The one thing I have learned is that my passion has become cooking anything I damn well please and sharing it with the people I love the most.

The past year has brought a tremendous amount of change in my life, I married my incredible totally bad ass girlfriend of 7 years, Katie, we bought a house, and in that time have somehow been gifted two of the lords most precious gifts to man.... my grills. The Traeger and the Big Green Egg have changed the way I'll cook forever. So long are the days where the weekends are for eating out... the weekends are for smokin butts. And if you don't eat smoked butts.... it's okay... I make lamb.

I've had people hound me since I stopped blogging about bringing my talents back on the line, and I'm ready to make the commitment again. I figure the amount of time I spend planning, cooking, and eating I might as well allow people outside of Katie and the boy Max (my dog) to share in my endeavors. So to my followers - I thank you in advance - the Dip is going worldwide.


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